Isnin, 19 Januari 2009


Smarter Ways to Earn
Kaedah yang lebih Pintar untuk Mencari Nafkah

1. Leverage Your Income

Professionals and employees trade their own time and effort for money. But there is a limit to how much wealth one can acumulate this way.
"Leverage" has always been the secret of the world`s wealthiest individuals. They understand that the combined time and effort of many effort of many people always offer a much bigger income potential that what one can earn alone.

1. Pendapatan keumpilan

Ahli profesional dan pekerja mendagangkan masa dan usaha mereka untuk mendapatkan wang . Namun, pengumpulan kekayaan dengan cara ini memang terhad.

2. Create A Residual Income Stream

Workers get paid each hour, each week, or each month that they provide a service.
Smart people continue to earn into the future, based in part on initial efforts. This residual value gives them not only the money, but the time freedom to enjoy it too.

2. Mencipta Sumber Pendapatan Berterusan

Para pekerja di bayar setiap jam, setiap minggu atau setiap bulan apabila mereka menawarkan perkhidmatan mereka.
Tetapi orang yang lebih pintar berjaya memperoleh pendapatan sampai ke masa hadapan hanya berdasarkan usaha yang asas. Sumber pendapatan berterusan ini dapat membekalkan bukan sahaja wang tetapi juga kebebasan masa untuk menikmatinya.

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